15 best cat breeds that are hypoallergenic


Many of you question whether hypoallergenic cats really exist. Yes, there are still many hypoallergenic cats in the world. Many of you may have already heard of hypoallergenic cat breeds. However, today in this post we will tell you some more hypoallergenic cat breeds. Also present we will tell you more about what are hypoallergenic cats, whether such cats are expensive etc.

15 best cat breeds that are hypoallergenic
If you want to know what is a hypoallergenic cat, are such cats expensive, and the names of different hypoallergenic cat breeds. So definitely read this post carefully from beginning to end. Because in this post we will discuss the names of 15 hypoallergenic cat breeds in detail.

What is a hypoallergenic cat?

Hypoallergenic cats are cats that have fewer allergens in their fur, saliva, and urine, and produce lower levels of proteins that trigger allergies. That is, cats that have less fur on their bodies, less saliva, less allergens in cat urine, and less allergens are called hypoallergenic cats.

Although there are no literally hypoallergenic cats, it has been proven that there are so-called cats that produce low amounts of a protein called Fel D1, which is excreted through urine, saliva, and skin. Such cats are called hypoallergenic cats. We have discussed some such cats in today's post.

Are hypoallergenic cats expensive?

Many of you have wondered if hypoallergenic cats are expensive? I hope you will get the answer to this question from this part of this post. Because in this part we will tell you whether hypoallergenic cats are expensive or not. In fact, 100% hypoallergenic cats are not available in the world today. However, researchers believe that there are many cats in the world that are not 100% hypoallergenic but more than 50% hypoallergenic. And such a cat is very difficult to find. Due to this, the price of such cats is very high.

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Buying such a cat can cost upwards of lakhs of rupees. Then nowadays many of us like to keep cats or dogs. And since such cats cannot spread various diseases. So people prefer this type of cat more. As a result, the price of such cats is very high. Also in 2006, a company called Alarca made headlines for having bred the world's first hypoallergenic cat. And such cats cost from $8,000 to $27,000 dollars.

Are hairless cats hypoallergenic?

Many of you have wondered if hairless cats are hypoallergenic cats. In fact, hairless cats are not completely hypoallergenic. However, these cats cause fewer allergic reactions than other cats. And no matter what cat, they regularly shed a collection of proteins that can affect allergy sufferers. It not only causes symptoms like itching, sneezing, and hives but also substances like Fel d 1. which is from the cat's saliva and glands located under their coat. Because of this, hairless cats are not completely hypoallergenic.

15 best cat breeds that are hypoallergenic

Many of us have allergy problems. And they think that keeping cats or dogs can be dangerous for them. But more than 46 million households in the United States have a cat. And there are many cats in the world today that are hypoallergenic cats. Although not 100% hypoallergenic cats, these cats cause far fewer allergic reactions than normal cats. Now the question is which are these cats. So let's know some facts about these 15 best hypoallergenic cat breeds. Even though many of us have a hobby of keeping cats but cannot keep cats due to allergies, they can keep these cats to fulfill their hobby. Below are some hypoallergenic cat breeds:

1. Siberian Cat

The Siberian is a very popular breed of hypoallergenic cats. This breed of cat is characterized by thick and long hair and green eyes. Despite their thick and long hair, these cats produce very little allergenic protein compared to many other cats. Also, this cat has many other characteristics like- being very friendly, affectionate, getting along with children, loyal and docile cat, etc. Another characteristic of this cat is that it can withstand temperatures up to 30 degrees below zero.

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This cat can be considered the most recommended cat breed for those of us with allergies, as cats of this breed do not produce the Fel D1 protein, which is known as an allergen and affects humans the most. So you can keep this breed of cat to keep a pet cat for your family. And remember you have to keep up with the grooming needs of these cats.

2. Siamese Cat

Another hypoallergenic cat breed is the Siamese. These cats have blue eyes. Cats of this breed have a short coat. However, this coat does not shed much allergenic protein. That is, cats of this breed do not produce large amounts of allergenic proteins like other breeds of cats. Cats of this breed are known for their vocalizations and respect for their pet parents. Cats of this breed can easily attract the attention of their owners. This breed is generally not suitable for those who live away from home. Because these cats cannot live alone.

3. Bengal Cat

This cat is known to be one of the most attractive among hypoallergenic cats due to its feral appearance and leopard-like features. This cat breed is of Asian origin and its distribution extends from the Philippines to Pakistan and Mongolia to Somalia. Cats of this breed produce very small amounts of the allergenic protein or Fel D1 substance. As a result, these cats can be kept by an allergy sufferer.

These breeds are very active and curious. But some cities have regulations—or outright bans—against such cats. Because this type of cat is very energetic and can be a handful for intelligent parents. However, if you keep these breeds of cats, you will need to clean and care for them frequently.

4. Russian Blue Cat

Where this type of cat originated is unknown to this day. Because these cat breeds are one of the oldest domestic cat breeds in the world. However, there are general indications that cats of this breed came to England on merchant ships from Russia. Cats of this breed produce very small amounts of the allergenic protein or Fel D1 substance. Because of this, it is called a hypoallergenic cat. The characteristics of these cats are – They have a very beautiful gray-blue color and green eyes. They are very calm, friendly, and very intelligent. These breeds of cats can be an ideal choice for those among us who suffer from allergies, as a hobby.

5. Sphynx Cat

Of Canadian origin, this breed of cat has a peculiar appearance. This makes this cat more attractive to humans due to its absence of hair. Also, this cat is the result of a natural mutation of the growing gene. Many people also know this cat as an Egyptian cat. This cat is a hypoallergenic cat. However, this cat, like other hypoallergenic cats, produces very low amounts of the allergenic protein or Fel D1 substance. And the body of this type of cat usually does not have any kind of fur or hair. Such cats may be completely bald or have a thin layer of peach fuzz.

6. Devon Rex Cat

The Devon Rex cat breed originated in the United Kingdom in the 1960s. It is a small cat with a slightly curly coat. which with the Cornish Rex produces very low amounts of the allergenic protein and Fel D1 protein. Cats of this breed are very affectionate and love to enjoy the company of people. Cats of this breed have very low levels of Fel D1 protein in their urine and saliva. Due to which these types of cats are considered ideal for those of us who suffer from allergies. But if you are away from home for a long time then this breed of cats may not be suitable for you.

7. Cornish Rex Cat

This breed of cat is of English origin and is also known as Killibunker. These cats are very popular among the hypoallergenic cat breeds. Because cats of this breed are not part of the feline family, they produce very low amounts of the allergenic protein and Fel D1 protein. These types of cats are distinguished by their pronounced musculature and slenderness. Among the hypoallergenic cat breeds, this is the only breed with a single undercoat. 

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The characteristics of this breed of cats are - their curly and thick hair affectionate personality, attentiveness, great familiarity with children, energy, etc. If you own a Cornish Rex cat, this cat will need plenty of playtime and exercise, as well as regular grooming sessions, to keep it healthy. And if you're looking for a low-maintenance pet, this cat might not be for you.

8. Javanese Cat

The Javanese cat is another hypoallergenic cat breed. This breed of cat has a long coat. However, no allergenic protein and Fel D1 protein are released from there. So those who have allergies can keep this breed of cats. Characteristics of these cats are – They are very playful, smart, and love to be around people.

9.  Balinese Cat

The Balinese cat was recognized in the United States in the 1940s. This breed of cat comes from crosses with long-haired domestic cats. As a result, these cats are able to live in perfect harmony with humans. These cats are gentle, charming, soft, and harmonious. These cats are so pure that they look like aristocratic cats. These breeds of cats can be great companions for children of any age. This cat is also known as Hairy Siamese to many. However, this cat also produces very low amounts of the allergenic protein and Fel D1 protein like other cats of the hypoallergenic cat breed. But if you want to keep this cat as a pet, then you need to be able to take care of this cat. To care for these cats, it is enough to brush them a few times a week to remove dead hair and avoid knots.

10. Oriental Shorthair Cat

Oriental Shorthair cats have a very beautiful nature. These types of cats have a sleek and elegant appearance. This can be a good cat for those of us with allergies. This breed requires minimal grooming due to its short coat. These types of cats are brilliant and full of humor. These types of cats are known for their activity and curiosity. These cats also love to be around people and can be fun companions for children.

11. Burmese Cat

The Shorthair Burmese is one of the most popular hypoallergenic cat breeds. This type of cat grooming does not require any special items. These types of cats are very affectionate, smart, and high-energy altogether. These types of cats require a lot of time and exercise to keep them healthy. Also, these types of cats are very beautiful to look at.

12. Ocicat Cat

Cats of this breed can be a bit demanding, as they are outgoing, chatty, and love to play all the time. This cat looks like a miniature version of the hypoallergenic cat breeds. These types of cats do not mind water like other cats but these cats enjoy bathing in water from time to time. These types of cats tend to shed a little less, but these cats should use regular grooming cloths to remove dead hair.

13. Colorpoint Shorthair Cat

This breed is one of the hypoallergenic cat breeds. Cats of this breed grow up to 11 to 14 inches tall. and weighs from 5 to 10 pounds. 

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These types of cats are strong and loyal in nature. These cats have cream faces, ears, and red or brown markings. Cats of this breed can live from 12 to 17 years.

14. Laparm cat

One of the more recently recognized cat breeds, this cat breed was discovered in Oregon (USA) in 1997. This cat is one of the hypoallergenic cat breeds. These cats originated from a natural genetic mutation in a litter of cats raised on an American farm, whose kittens were born bald. These cats produce very low amounts of the allergenic protein and Fel D1 protein. That means you can keep these cats even if you have an allergy problem.

15. Peterbald Cat

Cats of this breed can grow up to 8 to 10 inches long and weigh up to 5 to 10 pounds. The personality of these cats is that they are very affectionate and loyal in nature. These cats do not have much hair on their body and even if they do have hair, it is very fine and short. You will find these cats in different colors. These cats can live for more than 12 to 15 years maximum etc.


Dear Readers, So far in this post we have discussed in detail one of our favorite animals, cats. In fact, many of us have allergy problems. Due to this, they cannot keep cats even if they like it. So we have discussed some cat breeds in this post, that are hypoallergenic. That is, allergies cannot spread. Now if you have read this entire post carefully. Then you too can fulfill your hobby by keeping the cats mentioned in this post. Hope you like this post.

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